Two Approaches To Mortgage Insurance

by Thomas Hanes on Jun 22, 2017

When buyers first purchase a dwelling, they are normally presented with a mortgage insurance application at their bank or mortgage broker.  There are two issues that they are not told when this insurance is taken out:  first, that there are often charges which are connected with the redemption of the mortgage, and second, there are severe limits for mortgage insurance taken out through a bank or mortgage company.

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What’s Your Best Travel Insurance Choice?

by Thomas Hanes on Jun 22, 2017

We are now in the midst of the Canadian summer vacation season.  Families, young people and couples are packing up to go and enjoy their last chance at a holiday away.  As part of their preparations, many people either think they are covered for any health emergency while on their holiday, either through their provincial health programme, or through other ways of being covered. 

But before you leave, you should check your travel health – you may not have the coverage that you think you do!  Here are issues you should check:

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