How COVID-19 is Revealing the Worlds Need for Creative Professionals

by Thomas Hanes on Oct 3, 2020

COVID-19, Creatives, TLH Benefits Advisors, Bootstrap Advisors

In the new normal, for brands to thrive, they will need to commit to creativity. 


As the COVID-19 pandemic has become progressively more severe, businesses have learned an invaluable lesson: success is found with creativity.


Creative progressions have been undervalued for decades. Artists, photographers, writers, and more are expected to work "for exposure" or be severely undercharged.


Suppose companies aren't appropriately compensating creative work. In that case, most companies are helping to convolute the issue—especially since large companies depend on their creatives to promote innovation and survive in a world ravished by COVID.


Creativity saw an upsurge through 2020 during COVID-19.

In March, during the lockdown, people's desire for creativity flourished online. We especially saw it on social media (TikTok, Instagram, etc.), where creatives took their ideas to share and explore these online platforms' capacities.


While there's nowhere to go and not much to do, quarantine revealed how creativity might have never been explored before. As an entrepreneur who has reworked company structure out of necessity due to COVID-19, it is likely that you would not have succeeded without implementing creativity. Facing unprecedented challenges, business owners have had to develop their resources for creative innovation. Collaboration is necessary, and sandboxing ideas have taken on an entirely new look once everything has moved online.


For business leaders, this has posed new challenges to working, utilizing creatively on how to identify what gaps need filling. When you recognize team member's strengths and weaknesses, you can structure tasks so one person's strengths can cover for another's deficiency.


By working as a team, it's often easier and quicker to overcome challenges. Try to encourage professional development and expand skillsets where you need help. Remember to ask for help through a coach or by employing a contract consultant.  


Creatives are the ones who are keeping brands afloat. 

Within a month, creativity has not only become highly valuable but a way to survive. When COVID-19 began spreading across the United States, businesses needed to think creatively in a short amount of time.


Revising the status quo is one thing, but brands had to reevaluate how they are now performing. We are in a worldwide pandemic, and priorities are entirely different from even a few months ago. Brands are being held at even higher standards, and people say they will lose faith in a brand if they discover that they're putting profits over people.


With greater expectations being laid onto brands, creative thinking and problem solving is no longer a luxury—particularly with the brand's press and content. People want brand publicity to show how brands help people manage pandemic-related difficulties, and they want brands to use their social power to share values and educate. 


Brand content and messaging must be carefully and expertly thought through with consumer expectations in consideration. Content and promotion often are not thought to be as creative as the visual art & design; however, these professionals are precisely the kinds of creatives that companies need today.


Finding the right creative for you. 

With the world facing unprecedented unemployment rates, it isn't challenging to locate someone who meets your creative needs. Like businesses, individuals are hustling to find new ways to market themselves and share their skills. Below are a few steps to consider before hiring a creative expert. 


1) Identify your needs. Take time to write down any projects or spaces that need attention, main company characteristics, and your to-be employee's ideal working style. Once you've considered all aspects you can think of, share your list with your team for an additional perspective. Collaboration is a vital part of the process, as you'll want to look at your company's cracks from every perspective.


2) Ask for referrals. Your employees know your company's needs best. Ask them for recommendations as you are more likely to find a good fit through referrals by your employees.


3) Be clear in your job description. If referrals are not working, you'll need to put together a precise job description. Be transparent with everything the job requires; that way, you're only attracting talent genuinely connected to the role.


4) Choose an applicant that can confidently meet your requirements. Take no chances, even if you hit it off with an application, if you're not confident their skills can meet your needs, it's best to move on. It is not easy but keep in touch, as there may be another role this person can fulfill.


Evaluating creative work in a post-COVID-19 world. 

COVID-19 isn't going to solve any financial or professional hardships for creatives right away. Creatives have a highly valuable resource in the new-normal.


What business owners need to learn is that there is that creative work is highly valuable—and it should be paid consistently and fairly. One reason creatives are exploited is that it's assumed they are doing it out of passion and not a means to make a living. Not only are creative jobs more likely to be underpaid globally, but creatives are often expected to do work without pay.


This kind of thinking is highly inappropriate. It not only prevents a person from earning a living wage but it sends a message that creative work is not valuable "work," when in reality, it is a massive part of why many brands are succeeding in the world today.


Right now, creativity is essential if you want your brand not just to survive, but to thrive in the COVID new-normal, and you will need to invest in creative experts to see your opportunities and projects prosper. 




We all need to remain informed and responsible in all our personal and business activities through this unprecedented time.


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We thank you for placing your trust in TLH Benefits Advisors. We are continuously working to meet your coverage needs.


This Covid-19 Communication is not intended to be a part of any existing or future acquired insurance policy; it has been provided for information purposes only.